Officers and Trustees
Joanne Young, President (2025)
Milton Tam, Vice President and Secretary (2026)
Lynn Phillips, Treasurer (2024)
EC Cline, Ph.D., Trustee (2026)
Robert Edmonds, Ph.D., Trustee (2025)
Don Moore, Trustee (2025)
Dennis Oliver, Trustee (2024)
Fred Rhoades, Ph.D., Trustee and Grants Committee Chair (2025)
Dick Sieger, Trustee (2024)
Colin Meyer, PSMS President, Trustee ex-officio
We are grateful to our many past trustees: Joe Ammirati Ph.D., Ferris Anderson, Gilbert Austin, Patrice Benson, Molly Bernstein, Margaret Dilly, Lorraine Dod, Dean Glawe Ph.D., Kern Hendricks, Hildegard Hendrickson Ph.D., Monte Hendrickson, Carl Hermanson, David Hosford Ph.D., Bryce Kendrick Ph.D., John Kunz, Coleman Leuthy, Susan Libonati-Barnes Ph.D., Marian Maxwell, Karin Mendell, Lorelei Norvell Ph.D., Marshall Palmer, Ron Post, Bob Ramsey, Randy Richardson, Judy Roger, Jennifer Slack, Reba Tam, Mary Taylor, Kim Traverse, Steve Trudell Ph.D., Doug Ward, Lee Whitford, Benjamin Woo, Jean Zatochill.
The Stuntz Mycology Fund is possible because of many generous financial gifts especially those from the estates of Dr. Patricia Allynson Winter, and Mrs. Joy Spurr.
Photo credits: Michael Beug, Stephen Russell, Kit Scates, Joanne Young. For some archival photos of Dr. Stuntz the photographers are unknown.
Illustration credits: All of the illustrations are the work of Dr. Daniel Stuntz. They are provided here by courtesy of the University of Washington, Burke Museum. For questions regarding reuse, please contact the Burke Herbarium ().”