The Stuntz Mycology Fund and Daniel E. Stuntz Memorial Foundation
and the Endowment for the University of Washington Fungal Herbarium
Please help us to support students and researchers.
The Stuntz Mycology Fund (SMF) makes grants to researchers, teachers, students and citizen scientists to conduct their mycological research or training. These funds provide grants for expenses such as supplies, equipment, and laboratory analysis. Gifts to the Stuntz Mycology Fund can be put to work right away.
The Daniel E. Stuntz Memorial Foundation (DESMF) is now the “Supporting Organization” for the Stuntz Mycology fund. Its role is to invest and provide funds for the Stuntz Mycology Fund. Up to 10% of the Stuntz Foundation’s total assets may be allocated for grants every year. This is good for donations of any size, especially for bequests and other larger gifts.
The Daniel E. Stuntz and Patrice G. Benson Endowed Mycology Fund supports the University of Washington Fungal Herbarium, housed at the Burke Museum of Natural History. The endowment was the dream of the late Patrice Benson, who established the fund in 2007. As of 2023, the Endowment has grown to just over $700,000, bringing us closer to our goal of having a designated fungal collections manager who will be employed by the Burke Museum.
Gifts to the Endowment at the UW may be made directly through the University of Washington.
Find the fund at: and search for “Stuntz.”
Contributions can be mailed to:
Daniel E. Stuntz Memorial Foundation or the Stuntz Mycology Fund
6518 Woodlawn Ave. N Seattle WA 98103-5428
Please include your name, address, and telephone number. The organizations are 501(c)(3) charities and donations are fully tax deductible.
Please contact us if you are considering a donation and would like to talk over what best fits your purpose.